[4K] AI Lookbook/海邊/seaside

“Seaside Fashion Lookbook in 4K AI Technology”

[4K] AI Lookbook/海邊/seaside

The 4K AI Lookbook is the perfect tool for capturing stunning shots of the seaside. With its high resolution capabilities, it can showcase the beautiful colors of the ocean, the sandy beaches, and the clear blue skies in unbelievable detail. The AI technology ensures that every shot is perfectly balanced and focused, resulting in breathtaking images of the seaside. Whether it’s a peaceful sunset or the playful waves crashing against the shore, the 4K AI Lookbook is the ideal companion for capturing the beauty of the seaside. With its advanced features and stunning image quality, this tool is a must-have for any beach lover or photographer.

中文:來到海邊真的太開心了,這讓我想到了一首台灣流行歌曲的歌詞:“每到夏天我要去海邊,海邊有個漂亮高雄妹,只打電話不常見面,我好想念,不知她會在哪個海邊。” 你是不是也在想念我呢?(笑)

英文:Coming to the beach is such a delight, and it reminds me of a popular Taiwanese song lyric: “Every summer, I head to the seaside. There’s a beautiful girl from Kaohsiung by the shore. We only talk on the phone and rarely meet. I miss her so much, wondering which beach she’ll be at.” Are you missing me too? (laughs)

日文:海辺に行くと、本当に楽しいですね。これは台湾の有名な歌の歌詞を思い出させます。「毎年夏になると、私は海辺に行くんだ。海辺には高雄から来た美しい女の子がいて、電話で話すことはあるけれど、あまり会わない。彼女が恋しいよ。どの海辺にいるのかな。」 あなたは私を恋しく思っているのかしら?(笑)

韓文:바닷가에 가면 정말 즐거워요! 이것은 대만의 인기 노래 가사를 떠올리게 합니다. “매 여름, 나는 바닷가에 가요. 바닷가에는 멋진 카오슝 소녀가 있어요. 전화로만 얘기하고 자주 만나지 않아요. 너무 그립다. 그녀는 어느 바닷가에 있을까요?” 당신은 제가 그리운 걸까요? (웃음)

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#beautiful #fashion #photography
#ai #art #model #photoshoot #female
#Japanese #Korean #girl #beauty